Sunday, July 26, 2009

7/26 Fon du Lac to Manitowoc, Wi.


                32 MAnitowoc J (5)     32 MAnitowoc J (6)

     32 MAnitowoc J (8)     32 MAnitowoc J (9)

We were back in farm country today and it was interesting to see modern electric generating windmills juxtaposed against the old farms. I wonder if either makes any money. --- I did see a few dairy cows today and what must have been a cheese factory, though there was no sign so indicating; just a modern building with four milk trucks parked, a large warehouse and a lot of exhaust fans. --- We travelled northeast mostly by going either north or east. The wind was from the northwest so we had either headwind (going north) or tailwind (going east). There was nothing in-between. --- You can see from the photo on the right we had ominous clouds much of the day, and they got worse as the day progressed. I got sprinkled on as I got close to the motel. Others who were a little bit later got caught in a rain shower. --- Riding east on county road X for 10 miles through corn fields and you come to a “T” intersection at road LS and there it is, Lake Michigan (more in tomorrow’s blog).


Day 35, 57 miles, 1,213 feet climbed, 3.9 hrs. 2,663 miles so far

15 days remaining, 1,064 miles remaining

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