Sunday, July 5, 2009

7/05 Blackfoot to Idaho Falls, Id.


13 Idaho Falls J (3)

Depending on how you measure it, the ride across America is about 25% completed. (I should have ridden an extra 2 miles today so my total would be 1,000.) -- After yesterday’s blog, “Jake” asked if I’ve set a personal record for the number of days I’ve ridden in a row (now 15). The answer is “probably”. When Brenda and I rode End-to-End (2003?), it was 22 days with one rest day. I think the rest day was #14 or 15. The only other ride which would come close was the Pyrenees (1998), 12 days without a rest day.

But this brings up the question my son David asked the other day: “Who is this Jake commenting on your blog.” Well the secret is out: Jake is Herb and Sandra Bloomer’s cat. I’ve been riding with Herb and Sandra since the 70’s; Brenda and I ride our tandem with them most Sundays.

A few days ago on our way from Baker City, Or. to Boise, Id. we went through or passed near Caldwell, Id. It was here in 1984 that the last stoplight on the interstates highway system was removed, placed in a coffin and buried.

13 Idaho Falls M (7)Today’s ride was pretty much a non-event. The ride was easy: the mountains got closer. Idaho Falls is aptly named, there are falls downtown which must stretch for miles. The downtown looks interesting but on a Sunday afternoon it is deserted. The coffee shop was closed, the bagel shop was closed. In fact everything was closed except for an antiques (junk) store.

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." -- Mark Twain

Day 14, 37 miles, 400 feet climbed, 2.7 hrs

36 days remaining, 998 miles so far, 2,688 miles ramaining

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