Thursday, July 9, 2009

7/09 Riverton to Casper, Wy.


The ABB web site which advertises this ride states: “The westerly winds can kick up on the high plains. We should get a nice ride into Casper, Wyoming for our second off day.” Well guess again. We had 120 miles of headwind into Casper. Not a nice ride.

     17 Casper J (3)     17 Casper J (5)

And more to the point 120 miles of nothing! There was virtually nothing to see – for 120 miles. Well, maybe we should give an exception to Hells Half Acre at mile 76.7. The Indians supposedly ran buffalo into this canyon, butchered them for their tongues and humps – and left the remains.

     17 Caspre M (4)     17 Caspre M (49)

Mike Monk said this is the most difficult this ride has ever been. And I felt it. After a late start, I hooked onto a 4-person pace line – one I could keep up with. John and Gene and Anne, and occasionally Larry, got me through today. Without them, I’d probably be an hour back. (Several people barely made it in time for dinner at 6:00.) We started at the back of the pack but eventually moved to near the front. During the first half of the ride, even the pace line, going uphill at no more than 12.5 mph.

After the third rest stop (91 miles) we found Brenda, riding with the wind, and, after a hug and a kiss, she joined the group for the final ride into Casper. I was surprised at how I felt. With the pace line I was riding faster then normal, and even at mile 115 – I was feeling good. No aches and no pain.

But I’m more than ready for a relaxing weekend with Brenda.

Day 18, 121 miles, 1,598 feet of climbing, 9.0 hrs, 1,375 miles so far

32 days remaining, 2,313 miles remaining

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